Mark 2 Robot, Facial Expression
Its construction, outfit and more are improved with new making procedures It is called Mark 2 Robot and made in Calgary, AB, Canada. More videos are upcoming, don t miss any clips if please subscribe our channel Hope you enjoy all videos have fun If you like our videos and would like to follow our updating news, please Subscribe, Like Share, Turn on the Notification Bell with all videos, and Comments our youtube channel for supporting. Thank you If you want to be one reader or member, please click to the below link for purchasing the Book: Official website : DIY Lifelike Robot Book has been sold to readers in 28 countries and 93 cities, including the United States, Canada, Mexico, Argentina, Peru, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Israel, Czech Republic, Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden, Belgium, Austria, Finland, Denmark, Turkey, Australia, China, Japan, Taiwan, India, Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Hong Kong, etc.