Netflix Intro Scene In After Effects
In this tutorial, I am going to show you how to create the Netflix Intro Scene In After Effects using No ThirdParty Plugins and just with InBuilt Ones. through the Tutorial you will be Acquainted with the 3D World In AE that allows you to Make something that can stand out. You Will Learn How to Make A 2D Text 3D and How to Set up The shadow and adjust it properly. Then you will use the Enable percharacter 3D in order to move Each Character In the Text Individually then how to Add the Final Edit to It. Watch the Tutorial till the End And Enjoy. Intro, 00:00 Composition, 00:35 Type Tool, 01:39 2D Text To 3D, 02:15 Adding Shadow, 03:15 Animation, 05:17 Final Touch, 09:33 Conclusion, 10:55 , graphicschool, aftereffects, netflix