Steve Will Do It is Moving in with Us
0:00 Intro 9:09 Sara went to the UFC 306 in the Sphere, thoughts 13:25 mortal combat vs DC universe 14:08 what brad has been up to podcasts 14:50 stevewilldoit is moving in 16:22 real estate in Nashville 17:49 sara got her blood work done 21:39 sara drove into a fire hydrant 22:28 going to Vegas 26:30 brad stopped his dogs from fighting 30:01 update on zoo culture miami 36:33 the 5 most attractive things 42:32 video of greg doucette gym influencer space burnt out 46:32 creating conflict in your post to pop off 48:17 would sara ever hop on a paid well platform 54:02 having fewer friends while getting older 1:01:17 should brad wear hoops or get a nipple piercing 1:03:25 the super dark time or times in sara and brads life, people overall 1:14:15 the mentality of being successful and money driven 1:16:51 grown adults going to thoughts 1:20:08