Dota 2 Update: Meta Heroes 7. 32d Patch ( Dec 12, 2022)
Hello everyone In case this first time you are seeing one of my videos, I wrote a script that collects heroes of the meta from Stratz, automatically creates hero grids and hero guides and publishes them on Steam workshop. For those who want to support my work, you can become a member for continuous support or buy me a coffee for a onetime donation here: Weekly hero grid file: Tutorial to update the hero grid: Hero guides: Have a great week Reddit: dota 2 meta, dota 2 7. 32d, dota 2 7. 32d patch, dota 2, dota 2 guide, dota 2 pro guide, dota guide, dota 2 tips and tricks, dota 2 tips 2022, dota 2 best tips, dota 2 best tips and tricks, dota 2 mmr 2022, dota 2 how to gain mmr, dota 2 tips for carry, dota 2 tips and tricks 2022, dota 2 mmr tricks, dota 2 mmr tips, dota 2 gain mmr, dota 2 habits, dota 2 win, dota 2 how to win, dota 2 win mid, dota 2 win lane, dota 2 win streak, dota 2 win every game, dota 2 meta heroes