The Healing Touch of the LORD, Prophet Dr. David Owuor, January 19, 2023
The MIGHTIEST PROPHETS of the LORD called in live to Jesus Is Lord Radio to give details on the massive Revival Meeting in Bomet that will be taking place on the 18th of February of this year, 2023. THEY described that the meeting will behold a mighty visitation of the LORD bringing many powerful healings. As a reminder, the upcoming Services in Bomet, Kenya will be as following: Grand Mega Bomet Super Glorious Healing Service Bomet, Kenya 18 February 2023 Thanksgiving Service Bomet, Kenya 19 February 2023 Bible Conference Bomet, Kenya 20 February 2023 Please share with other souls that they may be pointed to the Salvation of the LORD. Repent and Come Out of the Great Tribulation If you would like to receive the LORD JESUS CHRIST, repeat this Prayer: To tune into the ONLY Radio Station chosen by GOD, click the following link: To see more details on the Visitations and Wonders of the LORD, visit the following Website: Repent and Prepare the Way