Solfeggio Frequencies, 5 D New Divine Human Archangel Raphael Song Light Language Transmission
This very special Healing Song transmission from the Archangels who come and sing with and through me enjoy the awakening and Remembrance. Shekina sings naturally an Angelic language and the whole lost ancient Solfeggio scale after her NearDeath Experience as before she had never sang. Science has analyzed the voice of Shekina Rose, and verified that her vocals contain the whole lost scale of the ancient Solfeggio scale of 528 Hz, Love (Solfeggio) , Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair), they also include the breakthrough mathematical equations of creation by scientist, Mark Rodin and other frequencies not discovered yet. Shekina Rose, cds, music downloads: Shekina Rose Angel Medium, Language of Light Songstress, Blue Ray Channel, Healer, Intuitive empathy Spiritual Psychic, Creator of the Sedona Spirit Crystals Portal of the Vortex pendants, wands and Pleiadian Sacred technologies from her regular physical br, br,