Plague Patrol Demo 2021 ( CZ Death Metal)
Mind Decay Productions Presents: PLAGUE PATROL, Czechia Death Metal trio invoke the stench of the early 90s American Scandinavian death metal scenes, alongside an obsession with the John Carpenter movie, The Thing, with the sole aim of delivering odious and crushing death, doom to this world of decay, entropy and inevitable death. Scalpelsharp riffing and unhinged, maniacal vocals, are underpinned by a bludgeoning rhythm section, all brought together perfectly by some incredibly heavy production, creating four frenzied, doomladen monoliths that should put them on many a death metal radar over the coming months. FFO: old US and Finnish Death Metal, early Pestilance, Mega Slaughter, Mortiferum, Cerebral Rot, and Dystopia. Tracklist MD intro 0:00 0:05 1. Taxidermia 0:05 3:44 2. Bennings Bonfire 3:45 6:50 3. Oort Cloud (Extirpation Crescendo) 6:51 10:39 4. Xenogenesis 10:40 Plague Patrol is: Z Drums R Guitars, Bass S Vocals O Guest Guita