Quetzalcoatlus Challenging Tyrannosaurus Prehistoric Planet
A pair of Quetzalcoatlus engage a T. rex guarding an Alamosaurus carcass A confrontation between two of North America s top, yet highly contrasting terrestrial hunters, Tyrannosaurus rex and Quetzalcoatlus northropi One is a musclepacked machine, sporting a strong bite force and bone crushing teeth, tools that enabled it to hunt and maim equally large and dangerous herbivores, such as Edmontosaurus, Triceratops, and sometimes Ankylosaurus The other is a giant raptorial pterosaur equipped with powerful wings that enabled it to not only actively fly a pigeon, but also allowed it to swiftly move on the ground like a giant vampire bat as it ran after anything it could catch and swallow whole A friendly reminder that, no, this isn t a Jurassic Worldstyle death match, just a speculative recreation of two prehistoric animal species fighting over food. So please, try not to throw pissy fits. Im looking at you, Rexy fanboys Sauce: Prehistoric Planet S2 E5 (I