Cappie Casey Keinen Zentimeter ( Not a single centimeter)
PLEASE WATCH GREEK ON MONDAY Ich will ein Anfang mit mehr Tiefe, (I want a beginning with more depth) mit mehr Hintergrund, (with more background) ein Ende ohne Zensur (an end without censorship) This is for lovekillsslowly36 s multicultural contest. It s a contest where you are supposed to make a video to a song from the country you re from. I think this contest is such a cute idea and since I ve always wanted to vid another German song I decided to participate. And this is my entry using Clueso s Keinen Zentimeter. For all N O N G E R M A N S P E A K I N G V I E W E R S: I tried to translate the lyrics in the video and below. I found the translation online. I tried to translate the song myself but the problem is: The song is very poetical, so translating it is really difficult. Thats why the translation sometimes probably doesnt make much sense. But I hope you get the meaning of this so br, br,