ASMR Hospital ICU Night Nurse Exam, Skin Ear Exam, Nebulizer, Hair Brushing
Welcome to the Cozy Hospital. You ve been staying in our intensive care unit because you ve had pneumonia. And because you had a reaction to one of the antibiotics you were on, the nurse is going to need to do a thorough skin exam on you on her rounds. 0:00 Intro 0:14 Nurse comes in 1:31 Putting on gloves 2:10 Examining the skin on your face and ears 6:01 Eye exam 7:09 Checking your skin temperature 7:49 Lymph node exam 9:22 Mouth exam 10:33 Listening to your lungs 13:12 Chest back exam, tapping and palpating 18:21 Pressing skin for edema 20:53 Otoscope ear exam 23:53 Measuring the rash on your skin and face 28:36 Tracing the rash on your chest; drawing on you 30:33 Preparing the nebulizer and putting mask on you 33:51 Nebulizer steam sounds, writing and moving around you 43:16 Removing the nebulizer mask 44:09 Repeat lung exam, heart beat 46:28 Repeat skin exam 48:54 Repeat mouth exam 49:30 Brushing your