Drought Hits North East America (1964)
Unissued, Unused material Title reads: Drought. Impact Felt In Many States. American voiceovered newsreel material. North East United States of America (USA). VS Showing orchard with the trees looking dull and bare as a result of very dry weather. CU Hand picking up some dry soil and crumbling it. GV Cabbage field with farm worker trying to salvage some of the crop. VS Few cattle gather around water hole which is getting smaller. MS Pick up truck arriving at farm carrying milk churns which are full of water, the emergency supply. VS Well diggers at work and they bring water out of the old wells. VS Rivers and streams at very low level. VS In small town the hand jump comes back into action. GV Low level lake. VS Dry forest country with closed notices up for they don t want visitors lest they start a fire. VS Small brush forest are quickly under control by small fire fighting teams. VS Low water in reservoirs in New Jersey and Connecticut. CU Cracked earth very arid. LS Into sun and pan down to w