Xiao Yao Feng Mo Zhang b
The first chapter of that essential and delightful collection of Taoist writings known as the Chuang Tzu is called Xiao Xiao in this case might be considered aimless or boundless admittedly different concepts. Yao might be translated as But the real idea here is closer to the boundless wandering spirit of Chuang Tzu s own teachings. There are many styles that claim this Taoist inspiration. And many of them look like vague dance routines by the Chinese equivalent of ersatz hippies. But here we have a lively style executed by a man of years. There s one thing you have to say, this many has practiced. His movements are loose and powerful. The excution of power is almost effortless. His body is happy with angles unfamiliar to most. Definitely worth a look. Want to see a customer review of this style Hong Wei Duan