It s HIGH TIME to GO IN FOR sport Sarah On Phrases English People ( ALMOST) Never Use In Daily Conversation
Do you still say or teach go in for sport its high time In this video Sarah, an English teacher from Devon, England, explains why the phrases mentioned above dont make much sense in conversational English. I m sure all of us, Russian teachers of English, are quite aware of the existence of these phrases in some dictionaries, textbooks, books other resources BUT if you do your little research ask at least a dozen of NATIVE SPEAKERS whether they actually use them (that s what I usually do), you re bound to hear no . Yep, I know. . it s pretty confusing. Some will tell you they re not used in their neck of the woods at all, others will say they kind of are but they re fairly antiquated or bookish. But again common conversational English is what we aim at when it comes to teaching speaking, right The odds of some phrases we pick up from books or English classes being uncommon or not used in daily life are pretty high.