How to make a super simple oscillator
How to make a super simple oscillator The resistor is 20K. If you are shopping for electronic components, test gear or consumables please consider visiting my Amazon shop Please check out and pledge a dollar if you can. It will go a long way to keeping the channel alive. It costs a bit of money to buy all the items and produce these videos. You help is appriciated. you d like to send a onetime donation you can use this link: FAQ: Me: Paul, 49 from USA Education: United States Navy, University of California at San Diego B. S. E. E., University of Pittsburgh M. S. E. E. Experience: United States Navy STS, Bayer Intnl Process Engineer, AP of EE Current: Retired Health: BAD (Congestive Heart Failure) Hobbies: Electronics, flying, amateur radio, music (classic rock) Low cost, professional PCB s: