Greener Pastures EP4 Landscape Featuring Arderne, Labarthe, Kelly Königshausen
Skateboarding in Switzerland is undoubtedly one of the most incredible ways to enjoy perfect conditions in such an impressive environment. When the riders became comfortable with their sometimes testing, yet blissful situation the true personalities of their character and skating style were revealed. The astonishing connection with environment in the Alps showed just how rapid, and unexpectedly powerful storms can be. After being trapped by rain at one location for two days, we changed plans and ventured to Swiss wine country. This location became one of the best days of filming skating on the trip. There is nothing like a phenomenal landscape view that takes your breath away for kilometres on end while riding a mountain pass at +80km, hr. When you catch yourself standing up, jaw dropped gawking at the view of where you are, the tension is removed, spirits are elevated, and a privileged smile raises. Thanks to the rad crew, South African, Canadian, Swiss who joined us on our last freer