Johnny Depp Lawyers Just DESTROYED Amber Heard
Johnny Depp Lawyers Just DESTROYED Amber Heard Its been a rough couple of months for Johnny Depp in regards to his ongoing battles with his exwife in Amber Heard. As the two are locked in a near eternal struggle in court over who was the abuser in their tumultuous relationship. Depp has maintained his innocence and has given evidence to state that Amber Heard was the one abusing him, but he keeps losing ground and court rulings. Including a Libel case against the UK Newspaper The Sun. But a new tactic might grant him a retrial. Allow us to explain. Be sure to like the video and subscribe to the channel Click HERE To Enter The GIVEAWAY And there you have it, everyone A look at how the fraudulent donation of Amber Heard and how it might just give Johnny Depp the ammunition he needs to go and get a retrial in his Libel case. Do you think that the judge will indeed allow that to happen Do you think that