Rockn Rolla soundtrack (Сектор газа Допился, Sektor gaza Dopilsya)
RocknRolla Soundtrack Рокнрольщик (Сектор газа Допился, Sektor gaza Dopilsya) soundtrack I time have gone on a shish kebab, шалаву ours have invited. Водяры a box пёр as a bull, well, at last, a bubble saw. At first there was all ништяк, all at once to cowards have undressed. The girlfriend, on, hold a glass, then we songs with it распелись. Найнананайнанайнанана, найнананайнанайнанана. Has poured, I have put a bubble, wished to embrace the girlfriend, In the answer me has embraced упырь, it was distributed wild howl in district. One vampire has seized a shish kebab, flows down blood from canines at a reptile. And at once I have drunk up a bubble. Пиздец has come, it is necessary to break. Time has gone such пьянка, place, бля, glasses. Place, бля, glasses, we suck blood at the Satan. The rod помалу ran road through wood, towards to the zombie. One smoked has got, колом I cut on ебалу. Has regained consciousness in the morning in