Election Tories Triumph Aka Conservatives Win Election (1959)
Title reads: Election Tories Triumph. London and various locations around the country. Conservatives win election. G, V Houses of Parliament. G, V interior empty House of Commons. G, V crowds walking over London Bridge Panning shot people walking into polling station to vote. L, S Liberal Committee rooms in North Kensington. C, U Conservative poster (for Bulbrook). L, S Labour Committee rooms. C, U graffiti on wall: No Colour Bar Here Yet. M, S people coming and going at polling station. Panning shot black man (AfroCaribbean ) leaving polling station. L, S Westminster City Hall. M, S Lady Macmillan being followed by Prime Minister Harold Macmillan going into City Hall to vote. Macmillan waves and smiles to crowd outside before entering. M, S Labour MP Herbert Morrison casting his vote. M, S Labour MP Aneurin Bevan (Nye Bevan) casting his vote. L, S Sir Winston Churchill s Committee rooms at Woodford, Essex. C, U Sir Winston seated in back of open car waving to crowd. C, U Lady Churchill waving