DISCOVERY for Com v. Basemore, 21 CR 501 Discovery Officers Bodycams
DISCOVERY : BODYCAM VIDEOS FOR COM v. Basemore 21cr501 Louisville Criminal Defense Attorney Brendan McLeod represented Keith Basemore on an Assault in the First Degree Jury Trial that took place on August 2, 2022. On December 22, 2020 Mr. Keith Basemore went to his sister s, Connie Basemore, house to see why she was angry with him. She lived in Villae West at 9th and Broadway. Shortly upon arrival a gun battle started between Keith and is sister, Connie. Connie was shooting a Glock 43. 9mm and Keith fired back with a Draco AK47 handgun hitting his sister. At some point Keith was arrested and this trial happened almost 2 years later. Keith was found NOT GUILTY by a jury of his peers in Jefferson Count Circuit Court, Division Six (6) presided by the Honorable Judge Olu Stevens in Louisville, Kentucky. This is located on the 8th floor of the Judicial Center. g. page, lawyer502