Star Wars: Heir to the Empire Part One (fixed )
Star Wars: Heir to the Empire The Rebel Alliance has destroyed the Death Star, defeated Darth Vader and the Emperor, and driven the remnants of the old Imperial Starfleet to a distant corner of the galaxy. Princess Leia and Han Solo are married and expecting Jedi twins. And Luke Skywalker has become the first in a longawaited line of Jedi Knights. But thousands of lightyears away, the last of the Emperor s warlords has taken command of the shattered Imperial fleet, readied it for war, and pointed it at the fragile heart of the New Animated fanfilm based on the novel by Timothy Zahn. Credits Directed and Animated by Damien Valentine Based on Star Wars Heir to the Empire By Timothy Zahn Adapted by Damien Valentine Cast Han Solo MATT FINISH Leia Organa Solo ERIN B. LILLIS Luke Skywalker MATT FINISH Mara Jade INGRID MOON Talon Karrde DAMIEN VALENTINE Lando Calrissian MATT FINISH Grand Admiral Thrawn ROBERT S. BENJAMIN Captain Pellaeon DAMIEN VALENTINE Joruus C baoth RICHAR