In conversation with Amnesty Secretary General Dr. Agnès Callamard
On 7th December, Meg de Ronde (AIANZ Executive Director) joined Dr. Agnès Callamard (Amnesty International Secretary General) in conversation. Hear about Agnès reflections on her first year in the role, some of the big human rights challenges were facing and whats ahead for our global movement. About Dr. Agnès Callamard Agnès has built a highly distinguished career in the international human rights and humanitarian sectors, working across NGOs, academia, and the United Nations, including as the United Nations Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions. In that role, she led groundbreaking investigations including into the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi. She has held the role of Director of the Global Freedom of Expression Project at Columbia University and has previously been the Executive Director of the Freedom of Expression organization ARTICLE 19 and was the founder and Executive Director of HAP International (the Humanitarian A