Running Wild Ballad of William Kidd
He was born at the shore of Greenhock in the year 1645 Ran away at the age of fourteen, to flee from his soulkilling life He signed on to sail the wildwinds But he worked down his hands and his knees He stood his test on the waters, so they said He was bred to the sea In 1697, the was setting its sails With the letter of marque and reprisal, Kidd was prepared for his trail They sailed the sea with the mission, to hunt down Tew and Long Ben A serious riot was rising, so Kidd struck down one of his men And he died Blueblooded men they fell from grace Piranhas eating their own They sacrificed at the altar of lies So fate took its course in the ballad of William Kidd The returned to her hometown, Kidd was forced to defence They charged him with looting and murder his patrons and generous friends Hed left his crew at St. Thomas, to guard his honour fr