25 useful phrases to practice il y a A1 with Céline
Ohlala More useful phrases Now well take a look at there is, there are. Céline will give you 25 sentences to illustrate the use of the phrase il y a, and you ll get a chance to practice your listening and learn a lot of new vocab Sign up NOW at for our FREE 7Day Trial Discover our PREMIUM content and get serious about learning French You ll start chatting with your French friends, family, and business partners in no time French Short Stories for Beginners: Check out our French Livestreams: Want to learn more languages Check out our other channels lingoniGERMAN lingoniENGLISH 00:00 00:56 Il y a du vent. 01:44 Il y a le Wifi ici 02:11 Il n y a pas le bus les jours fériés. 02:34 Qu estce qu il y a sur la table 03:12 Il n y a pas de toilettes dans ce petit café 03:48 Il n y pas de doute , LearnFrench, lingonFRENCH, FrenchGrammar