The recipe belongs to my grandmother The whole family will love this rose bread recipe
The recipe belongs to my grandmother The whole family will love this rose bread recipe I don t buy anymore Few people know this secret, simple and tasty. Make the best recipe in the world yourself with simple ingredients This is a very simple method. I ve been doing THIS for a week now and I still want to do it I use this method almost every day since I learned it from a 70yearold teacher Now I will always cook this way. Give a medal to whoever invented this method Ever since I learned this method, I ve always done it this way Recipe and ingredients : 1 egg 30 grams of melted butter 3 tablespoons of sugar 160 ml of warm milk 150 ml of warm water 30 ml of vegetable oil 7 grams of dry yeast 550 grams of wheat flour 1 teaspoon of salt The number of egg yolks 1 tablespoon of milk If you found this video interesting and useful, be sure to like and subscribe to the channel to be notified of future videos. You br, br,