Jo nage by Bruno Gonzalez
Overview of the Ile de France 2021 league seminar FFAAA By Bruno Gonzalez Content of the Aikido video : Topic : JO NAGE (Over over a dozen techniques reviewed with tai Jutsu illustrations) 0:24 Kokyu nage 1 (similar entry as Katate Ryote dori) 1:00 Kokyu nage 2 (similar entry as Katate Ryote dori and Ryote dori) Tips : its uke who dodge the tsuki 1:40 Kokyu nage 3 passing under the jo 2:06 Kokyu nage 4 (same feeling as kiri kaeshi, Katate, Ryote, Katate Ryote Kokyu) Tips: use the jo leverage effect 2:41 Kokyu nage 5 ( same feeling as ai hanmi ikkyo omote entry ) Tips: move around the jo as around a static point 3:16 Shiho nage 1 omote, ura Tips : use the bottom part of the jo to suspend uke 4:00 Shiho nage 2 4:42 Kote gaeshi 5:19 Naname irimi nage without using the jo 5:33 Ude kime nage omote, ura (same feeling as Katate Ryote dori