Dashcam Shows Female Officer Slip and Fall Before Fatally Shooting Suspect After Chase
(Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) Georgetown County, South Carolina Attorneys representing the family of a man fatally shot in February by a Hemingway police officer released the dashcam footage from the shooting. Dashboard camera video shows former Hemingway police officer Cassandra Dollard, 52, slipped and fell before fatally shooting Robert Junior Langley, 46. On Feb. 6, Dollard saw a silver car traveling west on Andrews Street in Hemingway and failed to stop for a stop sign, according to a police report. Dollard wrote that she activated her lights but Langley continued to drive away, failing to stop for a red light at the intersection of West Broad Street and North Main Street. The video, shows the vehicle chase coming to an end after Langleys vehicle ran off the road and crashed into what appears to be a utility pole. After some attempted communication, it shows officer Dollard approaching the vehicle and ultimately shooting Langley as h