Liars who destroy evidence, may fool man, BUT NOT Jesus, The Innocent dont need defending
This is a message to ALL who were LEFT BEHIND. I know the Worlds Governments are now telling everyone that all the MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of adults, and ALL BABIES AND YOUNG CHILDREN were abducted by ALIENS. Well, I have some NEWS FOR YOU AM IN HEAVEN WITH JESUS CHRIST, AS WELL AS ALL THE ABOVE MENTIONED ADULTS AND LITTLE ONES. We were Raptured or taken away, as the Holy Bible SAID WE WOULD. Oh and all the graves that have been dug up that was Jesus taking them to Heaven as Now, what s next FIRST of all, if you knew me, you KNEW I was an ON FIRE FOR GOD, HARD CORE BORN AGAIN CHRISTIAN. I have shared my faith with probably MILLIONS including my online ministries and have tried to WARN EVERYONE that what JUST HAPPENED, was GOING TO HAPPEN SOON. Now if you are reading one of these letters, you have been left behind, and will soon begin 7 years of HELL ON EARTH, like NO ONE COULD EVER IMAGINE. Find a Bible and turn to the LAST Book, quo