How to Juggle the Box Related Tricks, 441, Extended Box, More, Intermediate Juggling Tutorial
Learn how to juggle the Box and THREE related tricks. First, I ll show you how to juggle the HalfBox (aka 441), which is a great stepping stone on your way to learning the Box. Next, I ll show you how to juggle the Box, a difficult but fundamental trick that has many variations. I ll cover two of these variations in this tutorial: the Extended Box and the Slam Box. The Extended Box combines the Box and the Shower, and the Slam Box combines the Box and Slam throws. Everything is coming together This was a challenging video to film since I realized while I was editing that my box tricks didn t look as good as expected. Bad news: I had to film all of the juggling demos again. Good news: I can offer more specific advice, and I can now work on correcting a mistake I didn t know I was making. I definitely recommend filming yourself so that you can work on perfecting your technique PREREQS: Siteswap Notation: The Shower: y