EP 44, Jon Wedger: Ex Police Detective Turned Hero For The Children Exposes Sa tanic Ritual Abuse
What a great honor and joy to get to have one of my own personal heroes and inspirations on the show whistleblower and angel to the children, Jon Wedger. This is one of the most mindbending episodes to date and without a doubt you will find some of the most invaluable, shocking, and empowering information you ve never heard before. Joining us from the UK where his influence and insider information has been recognized far and wide, Jon rose to prominence nationally and internationally for publicly exposing the deliberate, systemic and institutional coverup of child prostitution, satanic ritual abuse, and all other crimes against children. As one of the original whistleblowers of our time on these topics, Jon now works to bring awareness to exposing the people and criminal activity hidden from the public with his organization, The Jon Wedger Foundation, where he works to protect whistleblowers in the police and survivors of abuse. Most importantly, Jon describes himself as a Disc