unicorns are real in the land of magic , dreamella episode 1
NEW DreamElla is about to find out that there may be more to the world than she thought DreamElla works as a veterinarian to all animals cute and fluffy But when a mysterious guest arrives, she suddenly is providing care to animals she thought only existed in her dreams Magical creatures, magical fairies, a magical world The wonders never cease Will DreamElla and her new friends all find their places MGAs Dream Ella is a new fashion doll brand that lets you, BeWhateverYouDream. Watch and play with DreamElla and her friends adventures in the new DreamElla YouTube Series Whether its in the Land of Magic or the Real World, DreamElla and her friends Yasmin and Aria make their dreams come to life like when they re magical fairies flying through the sky, or as a doctor, baker, and vet. All you need is a little imagination to be whoever and whatever you want to be Learn more at and print out backgrounds of DreamEllas vet clinic, Yasmins doctors office, and Arias bakery to play al