How to Get The Suicide Squad Look, Da Vinci Resolve 17 Tutorial
ACES for Beginners FREE Webinar: 0:00 Intro 0:28 Look Rating 1:16 ACES Training 2:36 Look Analysis 5:52 Node Tree 6:00 Custom Curves 7:56 Balance Exposure 12:45 HSL Curves 16:05 Soft Film Texture 17:46 Finishing touches 21:40 Look Recap 22:52 Final Look 23:02 Conclusion In this video, I will show you how to recreate The Suicide Squad 2 look. Grab a notepad. Must follow me on Instagram for content everyday My name is QAZI, I am a professional commercial colorist in LA. Available for Remote Grading Globally Get in Touch: Equipment used: Canon C500 mkii Sigma 50mm 1. 4 Rode NTG3 Nanlite Pavotubes Resolve Advanced Panel Apple XDR Display Eizo CG279x Waqas Qazi Instagram: