The Lumineers Sleep On The Floor ( Official Video)
Cleopatra made me cry in the studio and I had to stop the take. Its inspired by a true story about a female taxi driver who, when she was younger, was proposed to. But her father had just passed away, so she didnt give her boyfriend an answer. So he left the village brokenhearted and rejected and never returned again. He was her great love and she wouldnt wash the footprints off the floor after he had left. I knew immediately that I wanted to write a song about the story because it was so haunting and poetic. And I got to meet the lady herself eventually and she was very honest and humble. She really affected me because of the sadness in her story. In todays world, we are just inundated with images of grandness and how great everyones life is. And its not true. In fact, its depressing. This was a real and honest story. Wesley Schultz