Alice: Asylum Maniacal Botanical
American is back after a brief hiatus wherein he served as a tour guide for family visiting China. Sights were seen, food was munched, and wonders were beheld. But back to the Asylum The Insane Children rest for no one We review the latest art, narrative, and design from Alice: Asylum. We ll also have a look at progress on the Cheshire Kitten Plush Collector Set. Want your own Cheshire Kitten Learn more: We ll take your Questions and Suggestions from Patreon along with comments from our YouTube Members and Super Chats so if you ve got questions for us, post them now Not a Patron It s 5, month gets you Early Access to Crowd Design and preproduction on Alice: Asyum, access to our Discord Server, and a direct line to Q A during the livestreams Become a Patron today Support the art you love