25 Strangest New Years Traditions From Around The World
When it comes to celebrating the New Year it seems that everyone has their own peculiar way of doing things. Some people throw bread, others burn scarecrows, and still others fist fight for good luck. These are the 25 strangest New Year s traditions from around the world. Check out the text version too Here s a preview: Broken Plates (Denmark) Scarecrow Burning (Ecuador) Eating 12 Grapes (Spain) Round Things (Philippines) Colored Underwear (South America) 108 Rings (Japan) Takanakuy Festival (Peru) Dropping Icecream (Switzerland) Coin Tossing (Romania) Water Buckets (Puerto Rico) Don t Forget The Cows (Belgium) Sweet Coins (Bolivia) Pancakes (France) Suitcases (Colombia) High Jump (Denmark) Talc Smearing (Thailand) Cemetery Sleepover (Chile) Animal Whispering (Romania) Bread Power (Irelan