Why is Chinese OBSESSED w, 2 Syllable Words
Learn the secrets of compound words in Mandarin Chinese, how they are formed and why they account for 90 of the Chinese language In this video, you ll learn about the 3 major types of compound words in Chinese, reduplicated words (重叠词), derivative words (派生词), and double root words, compounded words (复合词). I will also briefly cover binding words (联绵词), which are 2 syllable words that AREN T compound words. Hopefully, you ll also realize how critical compound words are to the Chinese language and how fascinating the language is when you can decipher them Part 1 Why Chinese HATES 1 Syllable Words : Part 3 Why Chinese Verbs NEED an Object : TIME STAMPS 0:00, , A Language of Compound Words 2:47, , Binding Words (联绵词) 3:34, , Reduplicated Words (重叠词) 4:28, , Derivative Words (派生词) 5:19, , Double Root Words (复合词) 7:59, , Why not 3, 4 syllable words 9:00, , The Final Takeaway Analogy NOTE: While this video offers an overall breakdown of compou