Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki ( Detailed Summary)
Detailed Step by Step walkthrough of Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki. This Animated book summary will help you to understand how the rich get rich and why you struggle financially. If you want to escape the rat race, this book can change your life. If you are struggling financially then you need to watch this video which covers topics such as: how to invest how to gain a financial education passive income how the rich get richer Assets to invest in, such as real estate, businesses and bitcoin financial coaching personal growth money learning what the rich teach their kids about money that the poor and middle class do not plus much more What does rich dad poor dad teach you Rich Dad Poor dad gives you the right mindset to become financially free. It shows you how the Rich get richer and why the poor and middle class struggle through life. Robert s poor dad taught him to get a job and work his way up the corporate ladder. His Rich father g