The Real Meanings Behind the Number 666 and the Mark of the Beast, Part 1
It s about pagan sun god worship that goes back to the tower of Babel. In this teaching I explore all the meanings of the infamous number of the beast as mentioned in the Book of Revelation going from the basic understanding (man being created on the 6th day) to the more complex that most wouldn t get if told right out the gate (gematria stuff). Originally recorded in 2018. Since then, a lot more about this subject has been revealed to me. Sequel here: The unedited version of the sequel is available for free download at So He brought me into the inner court of the Lords house; and there, at the door of the temple of the Lord, between the porch and the altar, were about twentyfive men with their backs toward the temple of the Lord and their faces toward the east, and they were WORSHIPING THE SUN toward the east. And He said to me, Have you seen this, O son of man Is it a trivial thing to the house of Judah to commit