Washington DC Paving trucks and those white vans Mustang Medic Reporting near the White House
The truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God. This is our main account the link to our backup is below A number of strange things happen in Washington DC every day. So I now live on location, we are 4 minutes from our US Capitol Building, and can get to the White House in 12. MustangMedic is your journalist, The Peoples Journalist. Our mission is to report the truth, not the narrative. So help me Jesus. MustangMedic Tenets 1. Science has proven one man one woman started 7. 5 billion of us we are related. 2. Listen to each other. 3. To be able to respectfully disagree. 4. Love one another (lift someone up) Your support is greatly appreciated, and 5 can make a difference Todays continued Featured Playlist (Crises on the Border) MustangMedic Merchandise on Teespring