Tonal Harmony Explained (part 3, 3). The Composers Guide To Tonality by m Decks Music
What is tonal harmony In this video we explain how to organize tonality in a useful way and learn all the principles behind tonal harmony, harmonic functions and cadences. There are three regions: Tonic, Subdominant Dominant. Mapping Tonal Harmony uses a map that reveals the secrets of harmony. There s an interactive PDF you can download with the map in all keys to study and learn how harmony works in music and all the music theory behind these concepts. Download the interactive pdf here: An interactive, simple to use book in PDF format with all the maps in every key, in different levels and styles. Get the benefits of having a landscape that reveals the secrets of harmony without having to learn any software. Compatible with Windows, Android, macOS iOS (Acrobat Reader recommended) , tonalharmony , musictheory , chords It also includes: Links to 80+ Master Classes in Video format: Tonal Harmony Fundament