Every Night by J. L. Hooker Belinov Blues Band ( Val Belin King B. )
May 22, 1994 together with a group of LZBelinoFF F. Naroditsky and other artists opened a club in the Tauride park, playing music Main Stream with various soloists, a list which is presented below. Subsequently, the club in the Tauride park was renamed the New Jazz Club, a group of LZB changed its name to Belinov Blues Band. In 1994, in the BBB became a talented jazz pianist and composer Andrei Kondakov, combining the activities of the President of NJC with its multifaceted activities in the Association of Inter Jazz. In autumn 1994 r ability VB professionally perform not only jazz standards, original compositions in the style of Fusion, but also to create a special mood, playing classic blues, became interested in the famous musician, composer and poliinstrumentalist David Goloshchekin. He suggested that VB come together in St. Petersburg Jazz Philharmonic with a program consisting only of the classic blues and rhythm and blues songs. This project has successfully taken place. During the last two