1941 Soviet Union, German Attack on June 22, private film footage, Archive
Time travel to the year 1941. On June 22, the German Reich opens the war against the Soviet Union on a broad front between the Baltic Sea and the Carpathians. From the first day, a German soldier films the war against Russia, as he calls it, with his camera on 8mm film. His films, shown on timetravelfootage in several episodes in 2K, document the cruel dimension of this war of conquest and extermination on the territory of the Soviet Union. At 04:40, a banner salutes the German General von Reichenau. On October 10, 1941, von Reichenau signed an order from the Army High Command on the Conduct of the Troops in the Eastern This order subjected the soldiers to the goals of Hitler s racial ideological war of extermination, contributing to the brutalization of German warfare in the Soviet Union. 01:04 Soviet Prisoners of War, Kriegsgefangene 01:48 German Troops, WehrmachtVerband mit Pferden und LKW 02:00 Rawa Ruska (close to Lwiw, Ukraine), Eimmarsch in Rawa Ruska 02:38 German Tanks, Panzer 03:23 Scenery af