О чём поёт гитара, сл. и муз. Ольги Скрябиной
Авторская песня, ,О чём поёт гитара записана 7 июня 2011 года. What is singing guitar Olga Scriabin 3 The guitar can tell And much to tell, Dream world to discover and not to betray And taste the depth of the Worlds. She, like a good magician, You okolduet sweet ringing: As a friend cling to your chest And soothe chime. .. She will tell about worlds In whose ancestors loved. On the souls of those who are on fire In the struggle for truth destroyed. She raskazhet of centuries, Where to worship her as God, And the image of cute on the rocks In the centuries has remained on the road. The guitar can tell As camp famously amused And the dark night of weeping strings Across the steppe, as the smoke jet. And humiliation and strife She carried the souls of men; And through the ages, changi