Arm Triangle Choke from Bottom Half Guard, MMA Submissions
Full Playlist: Like these MMA lessons Check out the official app Watch more How to Do MMA Submission Holds videos: All right guys, now we are going to do another arm triangle, but this is going to be from underneath the fighter. Most arm triangles are on top, but this one is underneath. This is a really good one because it s a counter to a very bad position. So, I m in half guard, and he s going to side sit, to try and pass or do something. He brings his arm over to go for a Kimora or something like that, and this is a great arm triangle counter. So, I m going to show it to you. I m in half guard and Chad is here and we are fighting, we re fighting, and he side sits like this, okay Now, what I m going to do is I m going to lock up the arm triangle here. Now, sometimes I could tap him right here, but us