Accessibility flavored React components make your design system delicious, Kathleen Mc Mahon
Приглашаем на конференцию Frontend Conf 11 и 12 октября 2021 года в Москве, Radisson Slavyanskaya Программа, билеты и подробности Профессиональная конференция фронтендразработчиков Frontend Live 2020 Тезисы и презентация: Design Systems are a popular way to bake your product. An oftenmissing ingredient, however, is accessible UI components. In this talk, youll learn the recipe for a delectably inclusive design system by mixing accessibility flavor into some commonlyused React components including icons, buttons, inputs, and dropdown widgets. Youll also learn how to spice up your design systems documentation with approachable, accessibility bestpractices guidance including interactive examples, and component dos and donts. Even if youve never seen React before, join me to learn how to make your design system delicious. Нашли ошибку в видео Пишите нам на