Andre Bertel Asai Karate Seminar ( Shibuya, Tokyo. January 2010)
Id like to thank Paul and Yuko Kallender Umezu for this video footage. Paul and Yuko, also Nick Gardiner, Takane Konishi and Pieter Van Wyk completed two days of karate training, clinics with me in their neighborhood, Shibuya, Tokyo. The theme of the practice was my late teacher, Asai Tetsuhiko Sensei s karate. And whilst this might seem very broad, the sessions were virtually identical to Tetsuhiko Asai Shihans socho geiko (morning training). We covered Sensei s refined versions of the kata Kakuyokushodan and nidan and Seiryu, including kihon and oyojutsu (applications). These clips feature the basic introductions of Asai Sensei s Muchiken (whip fist techniques). For more information of Asairyuha Shotokan Karate please visit my blog, website: