Franceska Mann The Final Dance Nazi Concentration Camp Heroine
, FranceskaMann, jewish , holocaustremembranceday Though it is heartbreaking, the legacy she leaves behind is one of beauty, persistence, and above all, courage in the face of hate and The incident passed from mouth and embellished in various ways grew into a legend. Without doubt, this heroic deed by a weak woman in the face of certain death, gave moral support to every prisoner. We realized all at once that if we dared raise a hand against them, that hand might kill; they were mortal, too. This video was demonetised by YouTube while it was still on private mode. Even after requesting a review and then an internal review, they still refused to monetise it. If you want to know the full details why, you can find that out on this video Come Visit ODDIE HILL that is my most recent video posted on YouTube. Anybody watching who has Jewish friends, you may wish to share this video with them and