Find a way Mitsuki and Eichi
CONTAINS SPOILERS NEAR THE END OF THE VIDEO If you don t want to spoil, you can watch it, but then stop at 0:50. PLEASSEE. Concerning the text at the end Eichi s quotes are in bold. Mitsuki s are smaller in size. Eichi s in order: I ll look up at the sky to search for the full Only one girl can take or release my love that one. xD I love and it hurts Mistuki s quotes in order: I want to see you so much I cry because I am You were with me all And the greatest quote ever in the book SPOILERS DO NOT READ IF YOU HAVEN T READ THE MANGA PLEASE I m not afraid of dying because I know you ll be there, waiting for And each quote does have to do with the pairing, even if it doesn t seem that way. : ) I just tried finding my favorite quotes to But I have so man