Incredible Discovery of a Massive Black Hole Moving at 1300 km, s
Get a Wonderful Person Tee: More cool designs are on Amazon: Alternatively, PayPal donations can be sent here: Hello and welcome My name is Anton and in this video, we will talk about a massive black hole caught moving at 1300 km, s Links: Other videos: , blackhole, smbh, collision 0:00 3C 186 galaxy was hiding a major mystery 0:50 We have no idea how some black holes get so big 3:40 Galaxies with missing black holes 4:22 Quasar that surprised everyone 5:55 New observations reveals a strange black hole 7:02 Recoilining black hole explanation 8:15. .., AntonPetrov, antonpetrov, science, physics, astrophysics, astronomy, universe, whatdamath, whatdamath, technology 20250312 SlQfd0dEUw8