80s X MEN Teaser Trailer, Kurt Russell, Rutger Hauer, Retro Concept
, 80sXMenTeaserTrailer, 80sXMenTeaser, 80sXMenTrailer This is my 80 s XMEN Teaser Trailer, Kurt Russell, Rutger Hauer, Retro Concept where I portray through what it could look like if they made an hollywood A, B list XMEN franchise back in the 80 s. I hope you enjoy and if you like it please like, comment and subscribe for many more videos like this weekly. CAST: Kurt Russell: Wolverine Michael Biehn: Cyclops Peter O Toole: Professor X Rutger Hauer: Magneto Sigourney Weaver: Jean Grey John Cusack: Angel Val Kilmer: Ice Man Dolph Lundgren: Colossus Emilio Estevez: Quicksilver Lance Henriksen: Sebastian Shaw Angela Bassett: Storm Brigitte Nielsen: Mystique Johnny Depp: Nightcrawler Sharon Stone: Emma Frost Ron Perlman: Sabretooth Van Damme: Gambit Jeffrey Combs: Toad Phoebe Cates: Jubilee Jennifer Connelly: Kitty Pride Michelle Pfeiffer: Rogue Sylvester Stallone: Beast Clint Eastwood: Cable A