SETLIST: 00:00 Intro 02:44 Everyone 03:40 I wanna be with you 06:56 The call 09:58 Don t want you back 12:38 Brian talk 13:56 Nobody else 14:48 New love 17:49 Get down 20:25 Howie talk 21:12 Chateau 22:23 Intro Show me the meaning 23:13 Show me the meaning of being lonely 26:49 Incomplete 30:31 Undone 33:55 More than that 37:09 Nick talk 40:24 The way it was 41:41 Chances 44:18 Shape of my heart 46:59 Drowning 49:31 Aj Kevin talkcambio ropa 56:07 Passionate 57:25 Quit playin games (with my heart) 01:00:23 As long as you love me 01:03:26 No place 01:05:58 BSB talk 01:10:12 Breathe 01:13:15 Don t wanna lose you now 01:17:00 Nunca te haré llorar, I ll never break your heart 01:20:24 All i have to give 01:24:18 BSB mix 01:26:17 Everybody 01:29:33 We ve got it goin on 01:31:38 It s gotta be you 01:33:42 That s the way i like it 01:35:44 Get another boyfriend 01:37:39 The one 01:41:38 I want it that way 01:47:19 Don t go breaking my heart 01:51:38 Larger than life